Let Us Help You Achieve
Your Immigration Goals

Your Full-Service Immigration Firm For Individuals, Businesses And Families

The United States immigration process is undoubtedly complicated. From complex paperwork to confusing applications, you need an experienced attorney to help you navigate the process. At O’Neil Hauser Mansfield, P.C., in Boston, our immigration attorney assists clients throughout Massachusetts and the northeast, including Connecticut and Rhode Island.

Our team includes:

O’Neil Hauser Mansfield, P.C., was founded in 1975 by Joseph O’Neil. When he passed away, Lesley Hauser took over the firm. Attorney Hauser passed away in 2021, and Joshua Mansfield took over and updated the firm name to reflect the current team. We are deeply grateful for the knowledge and community connections our generations of attorneys have left us. Today, we balance passed-down institutional knowledge with fresh perspectives to provide unparalleled immigration representation.

Attorney Joshua D. Mansfield

Joshua D. Mansfield

Attorney Elizabeth Doyle

Elizabeth Doyle

Paralegal Diana Gutierrez

Diana Gutierrez

Paralegal Joan Hogan

Joan Hogan

Loretta Martinez

Paralegal Lerby Menendez

Lerby Menendez