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Boston Immigration Lawyers: Gaining Citizenship Through Naturalization

The decision to seek United States citizenship is life-altering. Immigrants can only become citizens through naturalization, but not all immigrants are eligible to naturalize. Determining eligibility and filing the appropriate forms can be overwhelming. If you are interested in becoming a citizen, it is wise to hire an attorney to help you with the process.

At O’Neil Hauser Mansfield, P.C., our trusted Boston immigration attorneys take pride in helping people gain citizenship via naturalization, and if you hire us, we will work tirelessly on your behalf. Our attorneys have valuable knowledge and experience in immigration concerns, and immigration makes up 100% of our practice. Our office is located in Boston, and we aid people with immigration issues throughout Massachusetts, New England and across the country.

What Does Naturalization Mean?

Naturalization is the process of applying for U.S. citizenship. People who are naturalized become United States citizens. They must not only agree to accept the obligations imposed on all citizens, including the duty to uphold the Constitution, but they must also be granted all of the privileges and rights that come with U.S. citizenship.

What Are The Benefits Of Naturalization?

Naturalization offers numerous benefits for both individuals and families. For individuals, becoming a U.S. citizen provides the right to vote in federal, state and local elections, which allows you to have a voice in the democratic process. You also gain the ability to apply for federal jobs, many of which are available only to U.S. citizens. Additionally, U.S. citizens enjoy the security of not facing deportation and can travel with a U.S. passport, which provides easier access to many countries.

For families, naturalization can strengthen family unity. As a U.S. citizen, you can sponsor immediate family members, such as your spouse, children and parents, for permanent residency, often with shorter waiting periods compared to other visa categories. This can help keep your family together and enable them to enjoy the same benefits and opportunities you have as a U.S. citizen.

Who Is Eligible For Naturalization?

Naturalization is not available to all immigrants, however. Immigrants may only naturalize if they meet the eligibility requirements. Specifically, the applicant must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have lived in the United States for a continuous duration prior to filing their application for naturalization

Permanent residents of at least five years may qualify for naturalization if they meet all other eligibility requirements. Permanent residents who meet the requirements for filing as a spouse of a United States citizen may be eligible for naturalization after only three years. Those who served in the United States military and meet other eligibility requirements are not subject to a time requirement. Children may be eligible for naturalization in certain situations as well.

What Is The Naturalization Application Process?

A person who wants to apply for naturalization must file the appropriate form and must submit any necessary fees, as well as copies of his or her green card and color photos that abide by the United States passport style along with the application. The applicant may be required to submit additional documents as well, depending on his or her individual circumstances.

Once an individual’s application is submitted, an interview will be scheduled at the nearest United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office. During the interview, an immigration officer will review the information set forth in the application and ask the applicant questions. The officer will assess the applicant’s ability to read, write and speak English through written and oral examinations.

The applicant must also possess a basic understanding and knowledge of the structure of the United States government and history, and take a test evaluating their knowledge. Finally, the applicant must demonstrate good moral character and loyalty to the principles of the Constitution. Based on the interview results, the officer will determine whether to deny or approve the application. If it is approved, the applicant will become a United States citizen.

What Can Complicate Eligibility For U.S. Citizenship?

Several factors can complicate your eligibility for U.S. citizenship. These complications can potentially delay or even prevent a successful naturalization application. Some of these factors include:

  • Criminal convictions
  • Extended periods of time spent outside the U.S.
  • Issues with tax payments
  • Unpaid child support

If any of these issues apply to you, it is important to address them before applying for naturalization. Our experienced immigration attorneys can help assess your situation and provide guidance on how to resolve any complications. We understand that each case is unique, and we are committed to helping you navigate the naturalization process successfully. If you have concerns about your eligibility, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Boston immigration lawyers.

Meet With A Proficient Boston Immigration Attorney

United States citizenship comes with many benefits, but obtaining citizenship can be an arduous process. If you are an immigrant and wish to pursue citizenship, an experienced naturalization attorney can help you determine if you might be eligible for naturalization. The Boston naturalization lawyers of O’Neil Hauser Mansfield, P.C., are proficient at handling immigration issues, and if you engage our services, we can aid you in seeking your desired outcome as efficiently as possible.

Many of our lawyers are bilingual, and we offer translation services in several languages, including Portuguese, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Greek, Italian, French and Arabic. We are members of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and we have developed a strong relationship with numerous government agencies over the years that benefits our clients. You can contact us to set up a meeting via our form online or by calling us at our Boston office at 617-855-0444.